Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Taking the Reins: A Girl and Her Horse

by Amanda Watkins, Annual Fund & Individual Gifts Manager

My enthusiasm was palpable as I slid on those dusty brown riding boots. Here I was at the beautiful Camp Misty Mountain, one of the top 25 Great Summer Camps in the South, about to ride a horse. I couldn’t hold back my ear-to-ear grin as I greeted my four-legged stallion with a gentile pat on the nose. Skip nudged me right back and seemed just as eager to hit the trails. Once I was comfortably mounted, I held the reins in each hand firmly, gave Skip a tap of my heels and we were off.  The gentle giant followed my lead with ease as we trotted up and down hills through the wooded path. What a blissful sense of freedom, joy and poise I felt being in the presence of such a magnificent animal. This was an experience certainly worth sharing.

If I’m this excited about horses in my late twenties, I can’t imagine the exponential elation of our Girl Scouts. The best part is that the equestrian program engages girls in discovering themselves to overcome challenges and build confidence, and connect with others through cooperation and team work. It is a unique privilege to offer such a stellar equestrian program.

To ensure our Girl Scouts continue to have this opportunity, please support the equestrian program through the Adopt-A-Horse campaign. It costs approximately $4,500 a year to care for each horse and your annual gift of $125 helps keep our horses healthy and happy. Plus, equine activities equip girls with skills to help them succeed both in the arena and in life. Your horse is waiting so adopt today!