Monday, October 19, 2015

Girl Scouts Builds Bonds Between Dads and Daughters in the Great Outdoors

by John Smiles, Senior Director of Marketing

More than 2,000 fathers and daughters participated in the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta’s Mountain Jubilee Camping Weekends this fall at Camp Misty Mountain in Northwest Georgia.  Despite a couple of rainy weekends the campers enjoyed horseback riding, archery, canoeing,  arts and crafts, adventure courses, science activities and the always popular group campfire and talent show!

While the planned activities are popular, the feedback received every year is how much the girls just enjoy having quality individual time with their fathers away from home. Simple things like setting up their campsite, preparing their meals together and going on hikes or bike rides are what the girls talk about most.

Mountain Jubilee creates lasting memories for both the girls and their fathers which is why this unique camping experience provides such a positive impact to its attendees.  While the weekend costs are paid for by the campers, the annual cost for upkeep of Camp Misty

Mountain’s facility and taking care of the horses would not be possible without the contributions from individual and corporate donors.  These contributions enable Mountain Jubilee, summer camp and weekend troop camping to take place at this and the four other Girl Scout Camps in the Greater Atlanta Council.