Monday, June 1, 2020

A message from the CEO on Racial Justice - June 1

Dear Girl Scouts,

Along with you, I have watched with shock and profound sadness the racial violence and injustice that have played out in our country over the past few months. The deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd were senseless and horrific. The protests that have followed reflect a difficult truth: the scourge of racism persists within our nation. The black community and other people of color are justifiably frustrated, angry and afraid as they continue to experience a country that is less equal, and where they have a legitimate fear for their personal safety, every day.

This harsh reality is in direct opposition to the values and principles on which our Girl Scout movement was founded. While we are proud of our history of diversity and inclusion, our work as Girl Scouts to end racism is far from finished. At this pivotal moment in our society, we have an obligation to speak out against injustice when we see it and to work harder to become an organization that actively promotes inclusion and equity for all. My commitment to you is that Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta will do this work.

To our black and brown Girl Scout community, know that I see you, I hear you and I am here for you. I know that many of you are not ok. While my experience has not been your experience, I am here to listen and to seek to understand. Know that you are not alone, and that our Girl Scout movement stands in solidarity and in sisterhood with you.

To every member of our Girl Scout community, fulfilling our Promise and Law through our words and actions has never been more important. Each of us has the power to be a force for good. Take action when you see injustice. Address racist behavior when you see it in your community. Make your voice heard to your elected officials. Offer strength and caring to those who feel hurt, angry and powerless. Above all, bring your Girl Scout values of kindness and compassion to these efforts. Know that I will be doing the same.

Our founder Juliette Gordon Low said that “the work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.” Together, we can make history and achieve our mission of making the world a better – and more equal – place for all of us.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Amy S. Dosik
CEO, Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta