Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Volunteer Appreciation: Donna Cochran

Donna Cochran has been volunteering with Girl Scouts for seven years, since her daughter was in Kindergarten. And even though her daughter is now in 6th grade, Donna is still a proud troop leader for Daisies and Brownies (as well as a co-leader of a Cadette troop).

Other than her daughter, Donna was motivated to start not just one, but two troops, in Dalton because she wants to provide new opportunities for girls.

“There are so many distractions to keep them from doing things outside of the home and out of their comfort zone,” she says. So she often takes her troops on hikes, camping trips, and organizes community events for them to participate in, such as cleaning up streets and other public areas. And what’s particularly great about Donna, is that she isn’t afraid to learn with the girls if they are faced with new obstacles, like pitching a tent. It brings her troops together.

Donna loves being able to help her girls in any way she can, big or small. Growing up, her daughter was incredibly shy, now she’s a courageous and capable. These are changes she’s seen in other Girl Scouts, too.

Donna truly believes girls in Girl Scouts are pushed to a new level, and experience a unique bond that’s amazing to witness. In fact, she wishes she was a Girl Scout growing up herself! But she considers herself fortunate to be one now, and encourages other parents to get involved and see what their girls can achieve.

“The longer you’re with Girl Scouts, the more of an adventure it becomes! And it’s worth it.” Donna believes. And we are so grateful for that.

Thank you for everything you do for the Dalton community, Donna! We are so lucky your volunteerism and giving heart is building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

Stay tuned to this blog and our Facebook page all month to read more Girl Scouts volunteer profiles and ways to show your appreciation for the volunteers in your life!