What else does your Annual Fund gift support?
Keeping Our Girls Safe: Girl Scouts provide background checks for each of our 17,000 volunteers (costing up to $140,000 per year).
Providing Stellar Campership Experiences: Girl Scouts of Greater
Atlanta is privileged to have five camps offering a variety of programming not
available in other regions such as
Innovative Programming: We know our girls are some of the best and
brightest in the nation. Your Annual Fund gift helps give them a competitive
edge by providing opportunities such as participation in our merging nature and
technology workshop, the STEM expo, and our robotics team.
Ensuring Every Girl Can be a Girl Scout: Regardless of
socioeconomic status, financial aid enables every girl to be a Girl Scout and
build courage, confidence and character to make the world a better place.
show your support by making your $50 Annual Fund gift. Donations can be
made yearly or as monthly gift.